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3 Steps to Unveiling the Purpose of Your Life: A Fusion of Human Design, Astrology, and Psychology

Updated: Oct 7

3 Steps to Unveiling the Purpose of Your Life: A Fusion of Human Design, Astrology, and Psychology

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Discovering the purpose of our life is an existential quest that often leaves many of us puzzled and confused. The good news is that combining time-tested approaches from psychology, Human Design, and Astrology can offer a more comprehensive roadmap. This article provides a step-by-step guide to uncover your life’s purpose, empowering you with a transformative tool you can use immediately!

The Three-Pronged Approach to Unveiling Your Life's Purpose:

  1. Embracing the Principle of Choice

  2. Crafting Your "Core Principle"

  3. Harmonizing Your Life with Your Core Principle

Embracing the Principle of Choice

Choice is a potent tool in shaping our lives. Carl Jung articulated this brilliantly, saying,

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate."

your choices manifest your destiny, informing your subconscious mind of your true desires. This is where Human Design can be exceptionally useful. By understanding your specific design—your Type, Authority, Centers, and Profile—you get a deeper sense of how to make choices that are in alignment with your authentic self.

In Astrology, your birth chart can offer insights into your personality traits, tendencies, and even your life's purpose. Take the time to explore your Human Design and astrological birth chart. Are you a Manifestor, designed to initiate and inform? Are you a Capricorn sun, driven by ambition and structure? Knowing these can offer a compass for making decisions that feel right for you.

Crafting Your Core Principle

The second step involves crafting your 'Core Principle' or 'Mission Statement.' This should be a sentence or two that encapsulates the central theme of what brings you joy and fulfillment. You may find recurring themes like creativity, service, or exploration in your list of interests. Your astrological Moon and Venus signs could point to what you naturally love and value, while Human Design can reveal your unique way of interacting with the world.

Compile a list answering these questions:

  1. What activities or concepts are you naturally drawn to?

  2. Why do these things resonate with you?

  3. How could you turn these interests into a livelihood?

Journal, Story of my life

Harmonizing Your Life with Your Core Principle

The final phase of this journey is about aligning your everyday life with your Core Principle. Each small step you take towards this alignment adds zest and meaning to your life. If your astrological chart indicates a natural affinity for communication, perhaps blogging or public speaking aligns with your purpose. If your Human Design Profile is a 2/4, the Hermit/Opportunist, you may find purpose in periods of solitude interspersed with social engagement.

These tools aren’t just for contemplation; they're for action. If nature rejuvenates you, make time for regular outdoor activities. If your purpose involves helping others, seek volunteer opportunities or even a career change that allows you to live this mission.

Bringing the Magic of Sabbats into Every Aspect of Your Life

In conclusion, the journey to discovering your life's purpose is an evolving one, shaped by the choices you make and influenced by various tools like Human Design and Astrology. Carl Jung summed it up well when he said, "The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are."

Ready to dive deeper into the intricate layers of your being? Your Human Design chart, full of clues to help you align your life with your authentic self. Why wait? Embark on this transformative journey today and unveil the unique purpose only you can fulfill.

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