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Journey Beyond

Explore the Magick of Ho'oponopono

Explore the Magick of Ho'oponopono: Unveil Ancient Wisdom for Profound Transformation

Embark on a Soul-Stirring Journey to Inner Peace and Emotional Healing

Discover the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono, a powerful method for achieving inner peace, emotional healing, and profound personal transformation. This immersive online course will guide you to unravel the hidden forces shaping your reality, align with universal principles, and harness the power of forgiveness to create a life filled with harmony, love, and abundance.


Course Overview


  • Introduction to Ho'oponopono

  • Course Objectives and Structure

  • Preparing Your Space and Mindset


  • Understanding the roots of Ho'oponopono

  • Historical significance and evolution

  • Key figures and their contributions


  • Step-by-step guide to the practice

  • Detailed explanations and practical applications

  • Real-life examples and case studies


  • Enhancing business practices with Ho'oponopono

  • Aligning business goals with spiritual principles

  • Success stories from spiritual entrepreneurs


  • Understanding universal laws and principles

  • Practical ways to align with these laws

  • Benefits of living in harmony with universal laws


  • Exploring the subconscious mind

  • Techniques for accessing and healing the subconscious

  • Case studies and personal stories


  • Identifying limiting beliefs

  • Step-by-step guide to reprogramming beliefs

  • Tools and techniques for effective reprogramming


  • Essential tools for daily practice

  • Techniques to deepen your Ho'oponopono experience

  • Resources for continued learning and growth


  • Understanding solar water and its benefits

  • Using plant energy in your practice

  • Practical applications and techniques


  • Introduction to Human Design

  • Understanding your unique design

  • Integrating Human Design with Ho'oponopono


  • Techniques for enhancing intuition

  • Practical decision-making tools

  • Case studies and personal experiences


  • Understanding family dynamics

  • Techniques for healing relationships

  • Creating harmonious connections with loved ones

Why Explore the Magick of Ho'oponopono?

Embark on a journey of profound self-discovery, personal growth, and mystical wisdom. Learn how to harness the power of Ho'oponopono to transform your life, heal emotional wounds, and align with universal principles for a life of fulfillment, love, and abundance.

Unveil the Transformative Power of Ho'oponopono

This course offers a comprehensive exploration of Ho'oponopono, guiding you through its origins, principles, and powerful techniques. Learn the four-step process, benefit from practical applications, and discover how to integrate Ho'oponopono into your daily life for lasting change.

Transform Your Spiritual Practice Today!

Enroll today to start your journey with Ho'oponopono. Uncover the ancient wisdom, reprogram your beliefs, strengthen your intuition, and heal family dynamics. This course provides the tools and techniques you need to achieve personal transformation and live a life of harmony and abundance.


Join us in exploring the magic of Ho'oponopono and let this ancient practice guide you towards a life filled with love, fulfillment, and abundance. Start your journey today and experience the profound transformation that Ho'oponopono can bring to your life.

Your Instructor

Empire Heyoka/Jen

Your Mentor, The Empire Heyoka (Jennifer Nunez)

Jennifer, also known as the Empire Heyoka, is a visionary leader and highly sought after Quantum Shaman, Soulpreneur, and Headmistress of RISE Innerversity. With her unique blend of spiritual wisdom and entrepreneurial expertise, she is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses unlock their full potential.

Jennifer specializes in bridging the gap between body, mind, and soul, providing practical tools and insights that help her clients achieve success and happiness. She has helped countless individuals and organizations to thrive, using her signature methods of focusing on self-love, an abundance mindset, and simple everyday habits.

As a passionate advocate for the New Earth, Jennifer is determined to help create a world where individuals can live their best lives. Through her teachings and mentorship, she provides a roadmap for individuals to unlock their full potential, paving the way for a brighter future.

Discover how she can guide you on your journey to greatness.

Course Details


Adept Enrollment


5 Hours


Personal Development, Spiritual Development, Emotional Development

Unlock the gateway to this course by becoming a member of our esteemed community. If you haven't joined us yet, we warmly invite you to become part of our transformative journey. For our valued members, the 'Student Pages' tab holds the key to individual course purchases. Illuminate your path with us!

What Other Alchemist Are Saying

This group has been nothing but a source of light and love for people who may feel “out of place” by our society. I’ve received multiple descriptive & accurate readings by those kind enough to share their gifts without expecting anything in return. I’m very thankful to have found this group! ❤️🖖🙌


About Our Courses & Products


Dedication, Discipline, Destiny

🔥 You are not DEDICATION  to take ACTION on the information provided for your personal, spiritual, and business development.

🔥 You lack DISCIPLINE and are not ready to take personal RESPONSIBILITY for your life and the changes that need to be made. 

🔥 You are not ready to fulfill your DESTINY, can't afford the services due to your current financial situation, or consider this a "quick fix," magical solution for your company. 

These pieces of training are spiritual and business tactics for those serious about their coaching/spiritual/5D businesses and prepared to act.


  • What is RISE Innerversity?
    RISE Innerversity is a Sacred Learning Community and Private Club dedicated to offering classes, workshops, tools, and services that teach mastery and promote healing in essential fields of human activation and conscious entrepreneurship. RISE Innerversity is a sanctuary for the modern spiritual entrepreneur. It's a metaphysical ecosystem where technology meets spiritual growth, designed to guide emerging and established spiritual professionals like healers, coaches, and holistic practitioners.
  • What Makes Us Different?
    🌟 Choose Your Own Adventure 🌟 In the vast expanse of spiritual education, many paths lay before you, but not all resonate with your unique soul song. At RISE Innerversity, we honor the individuality of every seeker's journey. Instead of a one-size-fits-all curriculum, we invite you to Choose Your Own Adventure. 🌌 Interactive Exploration: Weave through our courses, intuitively selecting the ones that call to your spirit. 🌌 Personalized Progression: Move at your own rhythm. Whether you wish to delve deep into a singular realm or dance between diverse teachings, the choice is truly yours. 🌌 Dynamic Discovery: As you evolve, so do your needs. Our platform empowers you to continually align with your current spiritual and entrepreneurial aspirations. 🌍 Bridging the Tech and Spiritual Realms 🌍 In an era where technology reigns supreme, the spiritual entrepreneur often finds themselves at a crossroads. How does one maintain authentic spiritual practice while navigating the complexities of the digital world? 🖥 Tech-Savvy Spirituality: We don't shy away from technology; we embrace it. Our teachings seamlessly integrate spiritual practices with today's tech necessities, from digital marketing to online workshops. 🖥 Holistic Digital Guidance: Our courses go beyond spiritual teachings, diving into the nitty-gritty of technology. Learn how to set up a spiritual webinar, optimize your online presence, and more, all with spiritual integrity. 🖥 Empowerment in the Digital Age: With RISE Innerversity, you're not just gaining spiritual wisdom; you're acquiring the skills to thrive as a spiritual entrepreneur in the digital era.
  • Who Do We Work Best With?
    RISE Innerversity is a haven for souls at the confluence of spiritual ambition and digital curiosity. Yet, within this vast spectrum, certain individuals find an unparalleled resonance with our teachings and philosophy. Here's who thrives the most within our celestial gates: 🌌 The Tech-Curious Spiritualist If you are someone who feels the spiritual currents deeply but is equally fascinated by the endless possibilities of technology, our teachings are tailored for you. We blend these realms, demystifying tech for the spiritual heart. 🌌 The Visionary Seeker You are driven not just by personal spiritual growth but by a burning desire to make a broader impact. As an emerging or established spiritual entrepreneur, you look for ways to align your business model with cosmic energies. 🌌 The Evolving Alchemist Your journey has seen you wear multiple hats – healer, coach, intuitive consultant, holistic health practitioner. You're continually seeking to refine and redefine your craft, eager to amalgamate varied learnings into a potent brew of service and success. 🌌 The Digital Nomad of Spirituality You love the freedom and reach the digital world offers but are often overwhelmed by its vastness. Our structured yet flexible 'Choose Your Own Adventure' approach allows you to chart a unique path, one pixel and one mantra at a time. 🌌 The Harmony Hunter You feel the internal tug-of-war – the yearning for material comforts and stability, juxtaposed against a spiritual calling. At RISE Innerversity, we help souls like you find the golden balance, marrying the terrestrial with the ethereal. 🌌 The Luminary Leader While you are a beacon of light for many, guiding them through their spiritual and life journeys, even leaders seek guidance. Our community provides mentorship tailored for those who guide, ensuring you continually replenish and evolve. RISE Innerversity's gates are open for all, but those who mirror the archetypes above find a deeper connection, richer growth, and an accelerated path to mastering both their spiritual and entrepreneurial quests.
  • Who Might RISE Innerversity Not Work For?
    Our ethos at RISE Innerversity is to foster a transformative environment for growth, empowerment, and mutual respect. While our doors are welcoming, it's essential to understand the alignment needed for our Mastermind Programs. Here's a clarity on who might not find these programs the right fit: 🌌 Those Facing Financial Desperation RISE Innerversity's Mastermind Programs are a significant investment, not just monetarily but energetically as well. If you're currently navigating financial instability, the stress might overshadow the program's benefits. Before immersing in such a commitment, consider grounding your financial situation. Whether it's securing a job or adopting temporary stability measures, ensuring you can comfortably invest in the program is crucial for its success. 🌌 Chronic Skeptics & Frequent Complainers Our programs thrive on trust, openness, and a willingness to embark on new journeys. If you often find yourself doubting every step or voicing complaints without seeking solutions, the alignment might be off. We seek participants eager to engage, learn, and transform. 🌌 Consistent Procrastinators Commitment is key. If you habitually delay tasks or avoid assignments, the intensity and depth of our Mastermind Programs might become overwhelming. We need participants ready to dive in, engage, and actively contribute to their growth journey. A Gentle Note: It's crucial to emphasize that these pointers aren't judgments but rather guidelines to ensure the highest success rate for our participants. If you feel the Mastermind Programs might be a leap too soon, consider joining our free community, The Courtyard. Engage with the RISE Innerversity monthly program, building a foundation until you're ready for a deeper plunge. And when that moment arrives, rest assured, RISE Innerversity and I will be here, ready to guide you towards a realm of abundance, purpose, and profound transformation.
  • Transformation & Results with RISE Innerversity
    Transformation & Results with RISE Innerversity Personal Growth & Inner Mastery 🌌 Deepened Self-Awareness: Discover hidden facets of your personality, strengths, and areas of growth, all illuminated through spiritual insights and practices. 🌌 Enhanced Mindfulness & Presence: Cultivate a more profound connection with the present moment, allowing for clarity, focus, and joy in daily life. 🌌 Emotional Resilience: Equip yourself with tools and strategies to navigate life's ups and downs with grace and equanimity. Spiritual Evolution 🌌 Cosmic Connection: Dive into the mysteries of the universe, forging a deeper bond with the cosmos and its guiding energies. 🌌 Sacred Self-Realization: Unfold the layers of your spiritual being, realizing your divine purpose and connection. 🌌 Intuitive Amplification: Enhance your intuitive abilities, allowing you to trust and act on your inner guidance more confidently. Business & Career Progression 🌌 Tech-Integrated Spirituality: Seamlessly integrate spiritual practices into a tech-driven business model, standing out in a saturated market. 🌌 Strategic Clarity: Gain clarity on your spiritual business's vision, mission, and the actionable steps needed to bring your aspirations to life. 🌌 Value Recognition & Pricing Mastery: Understand your unique offerings' intrinsic value, empowering you to price your services confidently and justly. Community & Network Growth 🌌 Tribe Building: Be a part of a like-minded community of spiritual entrepreneurs, fostering collaboration, support, and mutual growth. 🌌 Influential Networking: Access opportunities to collaborate, partner, and grow with influential figures in the spiritual and tech realms. 🌌 Showcase Opportunities: Enjoy platforms and events to display your skills, services, and products to a broader, yet targeted, audience. Holistic Wellbeing 🌌 Physical Rejuvenation: Imbibe practices and knowledge that promote physical health, energy, and vitality. 🌌 Mental Tranquility: Equip yourself with tools to manage stress, anxiety, and the mental challenges of entrepreneurship. 🌌 Energetic Balance: Learn techniques to cleanse, balance, and amplify your energy, ensuring you operate from a space of vibrant vitality. Through RISE Innerversity, participants don't just undergo a singular change; they experience a holistic transformation that touches every aspect of their being – from their personal inner world to their outer professional landscape. You Can Expect to Feel: 🌌 Empowered: Experience a newfound sense of self-assuredness, ready to take on challenges and embrace opportunities. 🌌 Enlightened: Bask in moments of clarity, where spiritual truths illuminate your path and purpose. 🌌 Connected: Feel a deep bond with the universe, your peers, and most importantly, your true self. 🌌 Inspired: Encounter daily bursts of motivation and creativity, fueled by teachings and community interactions. 🌌 Rejuvenated: As if every cell of your being has been refreshed, feeling more alive and present in every moment. 🌌 Supported: Sense the comforting embrace of a like-minded community, always there to uplift, advise, and encourage. 🌌 Grounded: Even amidst spiritual flights, feel deeply anchored to the Earth and your physical existence. 🌌 Liberated: Free from past limitations, ready to rewrite your narrative and embrace your potential. 🌌 Balanced: Experience a harmonious blend of your spiritual aspirations and practical obligations. 🌌 Focused: With clear direction and purpose, ensuring every step taken is aligned with your higher goals. 🌌 Loved: Cherish the unconditional acceptance and warmth of a community that sees, understands, and values your essence. 🌌 Transformed: Recognize the profound inner shifts, leading to a more evolved, aware, and radiant version of yourself. These feelings encapsulate the profound emotional and spiritual shifts one can anticipate during their journey with RISE Innerversity.
  • How quickly can you expect results?
    It really varies from person to person. Some clients are raring to go and eager to break free from the Matrix and step into their soul purpose in no time at all. They may experience a shift in as little as a few weeks. However, for others, the journey may take a little longer. It all comes down to your current state, the areas you're struggling with the most, and your determination to put the knowledge you gain into action for your own benefit.
  • Why do I have to pay a $4 membership fee for the 🌌 SEEKER: membership?
    The $4 fee allows you to join RISE Innerversity as a private member. We operate as a private club, ensuring a curated and secure experience for our community members. This one-time fee grants you lifetime access to our basic offerings and a wealth of information.
  • What does it mean to be a Private Club?
    Being a Private Club means RISE Innerversity operates within a closed community. Our membership structure ensures the protection, privacy, and exclusive offerings for our members, safeguarding the integrity and essence of our teachings.
  • Why does RISE Innerversity have a private membership structure?
    Our private structure ensures that we maintain a sacred space, free from external interferences, where our members can openly explore, learn, and grow. It also provides added security and exclusivity to our offerings.
  • How does the 🌌 SEEKER: membership differ from the ADEPT and THE SAGE/MASTER memberships?
    The 🌌 SEEKER: membership is your gateway to RISE Innerversity, granting basic access to our courses, member portal, and app. The ADEPT plan includes everything in the SEEKER plan plus additional hours of curriculum, group guidance sessions, and more. THE SAGE/MASTER membership is an upgraded tier for those deeply committed to their spiritual journey, offering extensive features, including showcasing one's talents and offerings within the community. Please see the enrollment page for further information.
  • What if I have questions or need support after joining?
    Our dedicated team is always here to help. Members, especially those on THE SAGE/MASTER plan, can enjoy real-time support via our Wix App.
  • Can I upgrade my membership later?
    Absolutely! You can upgrade from 🌌 SEEKER: to ADEPT or from ADEPT to THE SAGE/MASTER whenever you feel ready to dive deeper into your spiritual journey with RISE Innerversity.
  • Are there any restrictions or conditions tied to the private membership?
    Yes, as a member, you affirm that: You don't represent any adversarial entity or agency with intentions contrary to our community. Your contributions towards any product or service are voluntary donations, not commercial purchases. You respect the private nature of our agreement and will not raise concerns to external governmental authorities.
  • How can I see what it’s like to work with you?
    Check out our rave reviews on the Client Testimonials page! Get inspired by the stories of individuals who have transformed their lives with our programs and services. See which ones resonate with you, whether it be because you relate to their struggles or desire similar results. Let the testimonials guide you on your journey towards your own personal breakthrough.
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